About Terra Gold
LAc, Dipl OM, C-IAYT, ERYT 500

Terra Gold is a an East/West Medicine provider specializing in Frequency Based Medicine. She’s the co-creator of the graduate university program, Yoga and the Healing Sciences, co-author of the internationally used medical textbook: Yoga Therapy and Integrative Medicine, and singer/songerwriter/co-producer of the Bhakti/ Kirtan album, Sun and Moon. Terra lives in Santa Barbara, CA and has some BIG music and healing sciences projects launching throughout this coming year.
Through all Terra Wellness offerings, Terra Gold provides high-quality acupuncture, nutritional, herbal support and other complimentary health services and products for people who want to achieve and maintain excellent health, vitality, and a balanced lifestyle.
Terra Wellness treatments weave in functional medicine practices, integrative medicine checks and balances, continuous inquiry, and clear, present attention. Personalized treatment programs include assessments and treatments that recognize the unique needs of each individual.
Terra helps clients manage stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia, addiction, trauma, pain, digestive issues, hormonal balancing, blood sugar issues, and degenerative or chronic health conditions. In addition, she works with people who simply recognize the need for support in fine-tuning their health and wellbeing for a better quality of life.
Terra was initiated into ritual and spiritual life at a very early age. She comes from a family of healers and mystics, born in Scotland at a spiritual community called Findhorn. The people tending the land were so dedicated to attuning themselves to their surroundings —intentionally, energetically, and inter-dimensionally — that the site became a center for spiritual seekers of many faiths and traditions. Findhorn is where Terra’s foundation for spirituality and the creative started.
Terra has been an integrative health practitioner and professional artist for over 20 years. She has certificates and degrees in Integrative Body Psychotherapy, clinical nutrition, East West medicine, Acupuncture and vocal yoga. Terra has taught yoga for 27 years and is a certified yoga therapist. She co-wrote the best selling and internationally recognized yoga therapy medical textbook, Yoga Therapy and Integrative Medicine: Where Ancient Science Meets Modern Medicine.
Terra encourages integrated wellness as it is the container for the creative to move throughout us. Throughout her life she has woven arts, culture and the creative with wellness, spirituality and ritual to create her own vibrant life. She currently lives and has her office in Santa Barbara, California. Beyond her works in the world, she greatly enjoys being a mom to her son, River.
I look forward to sharing the journey of wellbeing with you,
Lokah Samasta Sukhino Bhavantu. May all beings be happy and free.
I co-wrote Yoga Therapy and Integrative Medicine: Where Ancient Science Meets Modern Medicine . This book has become an internationally-acclaimed textbook for yoga therapy by the International Association of Yoga Therapists. This user-friendly reference guide details a wide range of approaches and is designed to educate medical professionals, students, yoga teachers, academia, and the general public on alternative treatment methods and the game-changing therapeutic framework for yoga therapy's application as a complementary treatment approach.
As a musician focusing on sound therapy, I produced an album, below. Leading up to its creation, I studied Ethnomusicology and the use of sound in rituals and religious practices; created electric ambient drum and bass music with consciousness-inspiring lyrics in Los Angeles; studied and practiced sound therapy in Seattle, Northern California, and even Scotland; and chanted at community Kirtan gatherings. My love for all forms of music and devotional prayer has been a life-long form of yoga. This album is an offering of Bhakti Yoga, filled with Sanskrit chants used in Hindu and Buddhist traditions. It features world-acclaimed musicians on drums, flute, guitar, and bass. Melodic and meditative, it's music for dancing, meditation, yoga, and relaxation.