AKA Siberian Ginseng, is a powerful adaptogenic herb
Studies show that Siberian ginseng may optimize cardiovascular endurance, improve fatigue, memory and learning and support immunity
If you are looking for an alternative to caffeine, Siberian ginseng may be what you need to feel more mentally alert and to improve stamina
Often used as a natural cold and flu remedy due to its ability to fight viruses
NOTE: Siberian ginseng can cause sleep issues, so avoid taking at night
Known for boosting liver and adrenal function, but also helps with improving focus, concentration, memory and overall brain function and health; improves digestion, supports hormonal balance and healthy skin
Has been used alongside other ancient herbs, such as ginseng, goji berries and reishi mushrooms for thousands of years
In TCM, Shisandra’s properties include all five elements, meaning this fruit works on multiple meridians within the body to restore balance and health; it also impacts almost every organ system in the human body
AKA Golden root, Arctic root, Roseroot or King’s Crown
Balances cortisol levels, making it a uniquely powerful adaptogenic herb
Used in TCM to increase stamina and reduce stress
Vikings used rhodiola to enhance physical strength; the Sherpa people used it to climb the high altitudes of Mt. Everest
Rhodiola is commonly used to lower cortisol, relieve depression, improve brain function, support a healthy weight, increase stamina and reduce fatigue
Has been used for almost 3,000 years and has been extensively researched for its potential thyroid-modulating, neuroprotective, anti-anxiety and anti-inflammatory properties
Also called Indian ginseng as it helps improve stamina and relieve stress
Powerful adaptogen, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory
Helps support those with anxiety, chronic stress and depression
Research has shown that ashwagandha exhibits antidepressant effects similar to antidepressant medication and it actually protects the brain from cell degeneration
Naturally high in Vitamin C and vitamin A, rose hips have been used since ancient times as food and medicine
Highly regarded as a winter tonic to promote overall health and vitality
Classified a “refrigerant” in TCM meaning rose hips offer cooling, soothing, drying and movement
Anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, and immunostimulating properties
TCM applications
Targets the kidney, bladder and liver meridians
Moves qi
Disperses stagnation, specifically in the liver
Reduces inflammation
“Immune modulator” that can help restore hormonal balance, bring the body back to homeostasis and regulate activity of the immune system
Anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, antibacterial, anti-fungal, anti-cancer and anti-diabetic properties
Improve liver function
Strengthen cardiovascular system
Relieve allergies and asthma
Studies have repeatedly shown that reishi mushrooms help strengthen the body’s defenses against cancer, autoimmune conditions, heart disease, allergies, infections and more
Referred to as the “heart herb” due to its cardio-protective properties
Has been used for centuries to treat and prevent heart issues, such as high blood pressure, angina, irregular heartbeat, hardening of the arteries and congestive heart failure
Also used to support the circulatory system and lower high cholesterol
Anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, neuroprotective, antioxidant and diuretic properties
TCM applications
Targets liver, stomach, heart and pericardium meridians
Aids circulation and digestion
Relieves food stagnation
Restores the heart
Calms Shen
Clears heat
Improves energy, calm and focus
Most commonly used for its benefits to sexual health and virility
Studies show that American ginseng helps ease depression and anxiety, balance blood sugar, support digestion, improve mental focus and immune system function
TCM application
Nourishes yin
Tonifies qi
Targets stomach, heart, kidney and lung meridians
Calms restlessness
Used for thousands of years in both Ayurveda and TCM to manage and treat pain, swelling, digestion, cholesterol, blood sugar, to name a few
Studies have shown that turmeric may prevent blood clots, reduce depression symptoms and treat and prevent some cancers
Curcumin, the most healing compound in turmeric, is a powerful anti-inflammatory
A study in the journal Oncogene revealed that curcumin is the most effective anti-inflammatory in the world
Antioxidant, analgesic (pain-relieving), antiseptic, antibacterial, digestive and antimutagenic properties
TCM applications
Targets heart, lung, stomach, spleen and liver meridians
Alleviates pain
Promotes movement of qi and blood
Breaks up blood stasis
Dissolves accumulations
Traditionally used in Tibetan medicine as a tonic to improve energy and endurance and a lung and kidney tonic in Traditional Chinese Medicine
Strengthen, rebuild and energize the body and mind
Commonly used as a pre-workout supplement to improve stamina and performance, reduce fatigue and improve respiratory capacity
TCM applications
Supports lungs and kidneys (great for addressing allergies and asthma!)
Nourishes yin
Boosts yang
Deemed a “superfood” due to its high level of healing compounds, such as antioxidants, polyphenols, catechins and flavonoids, more than many herbs, spices, fruits or vegetables
Antioxidant, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, anti-cancer and immunostimulating properties
Studies show green tea benefits heart health by lowering blood pressure and LDL cholesterol, protects brain cells from free radical damage and supports eye health by preventing eye disease and vision loss
TCM applications
Targets spleen, liver, kidney and heart meridians
Quenches thirst
Clears heat (headaches, dizziness, heat stroke)
Boosts mental clarity
Most commonly used to prevent and treat cold and flu symptoms
Also a powerful source of antioxidants and vitamins that support the immune system
Considered a “cure-all” that helps treat a wide variety of conditions and ailments, such as allergies, sinus infections, skin issues, high blood pressure, constipation and heart health
Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiviral, diuretic, laxative, anti-cancer and immunostimulant properties
TCM applications
Targets lung, kidney and bladder meridians
Clears heat
Resolves dampness
Tonifies the lungs
Expels phlegm
Reduces inflammation and pain
Commonly used in TCM for coughs and colds, gastrointestinal issues, and female reproductive issues
Known in TCM as a “guide herb”, it enhances the effects of any herbs it is used with and guides the other herbs to where they would be most beneficial
Improves fatigue by regulating cortisol and supporting the adrenals
Anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, immunostimulating properties
Also works as an antispasmodic, helping reduce muscle pain as well as joint pain
Ginger has been documented in ancient Chinese, Roman, Greek, Arabic and Sanskrit texts to help improve general health and well-being
Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anticancer, neuroprotective, antispasmodic, analgesic (pain-relieving), immune-supporting and cardiovascular protective properties
Research has shown that ginger improves cognitive function and attention and there is promise that ginger extract could protect against aging of the brain
TCM applications
Targets lung, spleen and stomach meridians
Disperses cold and warms the body
Used as a guide herb, enhancing the effects of any herbs it is used with and guides the other herbs to where they would be most beneficial
Lifts the spirit
Cleanses toxins
Reservatrol, which is found in grape skin but also in the seeds, has been shown to increase the expression of 3 major longevity genes
Antioxidant, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, anti-aging and immune-boosting properties
Studies have shown that grape seed extract may prevent metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes and obesity and also improves gut health
Lowers blood pressure, cholesterol and oxidative stress
Supports the immune system (antioxidants in grape seed extract are 30x more powerful than vitamin C) and speeds the healing process